This class utilizes a 12 Point Inspection of what needs to be in place before you start applying for a job.  With this tool you’ll be able to see for yourself what requirements you already meet, those that you are in the process of meeting, and those requirements that perhaps you haven’t even considered yet.  By classes end you’ll be able to determine if you’re ready to begin applying for employment and if not, what steps you need to take before doing so.

What an Employer Wants

When you start a job you expect to receive a paycheck; and rightfully so.  But have you ever put yourself in the employer’s shoes to consider what they rightfully expect from you?  When you fail to meet your boss’ expectations, it’s not long before you’re out the door and looking for another job.  In this class you’ll learn nine practical, often overlooked things that an employer expects from you.  If you meet those expectations you’ll not only keep your job but you’ll also have a greater chance of advancing.


Regardless if the job market is exploding or has fizzled, if you’re not working then it’s easy to believe that there aren't any jobs out there. Our Networking class seeks to do away with that myth.  Through examining the numerous resources at your disposal, you’ll come to see that there’s more than one way to find available jobs.  Prior to this however you’ll be encouraged to consider what kind of job best suits you.   In doing this you’ll be able to better define your job search.  Finally you’ll take time to identify exactly who makes up your network.  Once you’ve determined what kind of work fits you and who is in your personal network you’ll be better equipped to start your job search.


Although a few questions may differ on the applications of different companies, by in large, job applications are pretty much the same.  The questions therefore aren’t surprising.  What often is confusing is how to answer them.  In this class you’ll learn just how valuable an application is.  You’ll be encouraged to take the time to do research and think your answers through so that when you’re finished you can present a completed application that best represents you. This might be a stark contrast to the usual strategy of rushing to fill out and submit as many applications as possible. You’ll also learn what to put down for innocent yet tricky questions such as: “Position Applying For” and “Wage Expected.” (spoiler alert: “any” and “negotiable” are not the answers)

How to Ace an Interview

An interview can be over even before it starts.  How?  Show up late.  Don't show up at all.  Walk across their grass rather than using the sidewalk. Be dressed inappropriately.  Come in reeking of smoke. Have someone else with you (kids, significant other).   Acing an Interview begins long before the interview starts.  It all begins with preparation. A job interview can be intimidating.  However, when you’ve prepared properly the level of anxiety is decreased significantly. In this class you’ll learn how to communicate the value that you can add to the company.  You’ll be given common questions that are asked in an interview.  It’s much easier and less nerve-racking to enter into a test when you know the questions in advance. An interview is no different.  Questions addressed range from the seemingly simple, "Tell me a little bit about yourself," to "We do background checks, is there anything you'd like to share with me?"  You’ll also learn what questions to avoid when asked, "Do you have any questions for me?" Finally, learn a surefire way to set yourself apart from the competition after the interview. 


In this class you will have the opportunity to observe dramatic presentations of two interviews.  After each interview you and your classmates will share your observations, pointing out mistakes that the interviewee made as well as sharing things that were done correctly.  This class gives you the opportunity to recognize errors that maybe you’ve made in past interviews But not only that, you’ll leave with positive alternate approaches for future interviews.  This class is a fun, interactive reinforcement of  the "How to Ace an Interview" class.


Making one paycheck last until the next one can be a challenge and stressful.  We all have basic needs that have to be met each month; shelter, food, clothing for yourself and your family.  These things are predictable.  At the same time, the money that starts coming in once you have a job just begs to be spent.  In our budgeting class you’ll learn some practical ways to make sure that your needs get paid first while avoiding some “money robbers” along the way.   Wouldn’t it be great to not only pay your monthly bills but also have money left over to do the things you want?


If you’re not working, getting a job is probably one of your goals.  Whereas getting a job may be the longer term goal, there may be some smaller steps that need to be taken first to get you there (short-term goals).  This class will show you how to put together a plan to meet your goals.  After all, a goal without a plan is just a wish.  You’ll have the chance to examine if the goals you’re setting are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-limited).  When the class is over you should leave with at least one goal in mind and have begun a plan of action to achieve it.